帮忙改下这段英语 急```不胜感谢```

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:27:18
With the development of society. Education has becoming move and move important. The numbers of graduate students are growing and increasing it cased the graduate students hard to find jobs.

With the rapid development of society,education has become more and more important.The number of the graduated students is increasing.That is the main reason why the graduated students have diffculties in finding jobs.
growing 和 increasing 都是同样的意思,重复了,去掉一个;the number of 后面的谓语动词要用单数.

With the development of society,Education has become more and more important.The nmer of graduated students is growing and increasing ,do it causes the graduated students hard to find jobs.

With the development of society,education has become much more important. The numbers of graduate students are increasing,which causes the diffculties to get jobs.